Allure of Artistic Escape on The Green Wall Art

Allure of Artistic Escape on The Green Wall Art

In a world where the hustle and bustle of everyday life can overwhelm us, finding solace in our living spaces is more crucial than ever. That's why the timeless appeal of vintage wall art, particularly pieces like the "Artistic Escape" from our Green Wall Art collection, plays a vital role in creating an oasis of peace and rejuvenation right in our homes. This blog explores how integrating green wall art into your décor can not only beautify a space but also provide a much-needed sense of calm and connection to nature.

The Essence of "Artistic Escape"

The "Artistic Escape" series is designed to be a breath of fresh air for any room, combining the sophistication of fine art with the serene qualities of nature’s most calming color—green. Available for $174.00 AUD, including tax, with calculated shipping at checkout, this piece is not just art; it's an investment in your wellbeing.

Design Specifications

  • Color Variations: Choose from an array of six color options (labeled A through F) to perfectly match your room’s color palette.
  • Dimensions: The artwork comes in a 40x40 configuration, making it an ideal square piece that fits beautifully on most walls without overwhelming the space.
  • Frame and Material: Enclosed in a walnut wood metal frame complemented with plexiglass, the painting ensures durability while maintaining a sleek and modern look. This setup not only protects the artwork but also adds an elegant finish that enhances its overall appeal.
  • Quality and Craftsmanship: Utilizing Epson's high precision micro spray technology on canvas, each piece promises crisp, vibrant hues and meticulous attention to detail. The backing of the frame is made from MDF, known for its environmental friendliness as well as its waterproof and moisture-proof properties.

Styling with Green Wall Art

Green, as a color, symbolizes growth, harmony, and freshness. It has a calming effect and is often used in designs intended to evoke a sense of tranquility and natural beauty. Here's how you can incorporate the "Artistic Escape" into your living space:

  • Living Rooms: Place it above the sofa or on a prominent wall to create a focal point that invites conversation and relaxation.
  • Bedrooms: Hang it above your bed to help instill a sense of peace and calm, making your bedroom a true sanctuary.
  • Offices: Introduce "Artistic Escape" in your workspace to bring a hint of serenity and improve focus and creativity.

More Than Just Art

When you purchase "Artistic Escape," you’re not just buying a piece of art. You’re choosing a lifestyle—a visual reminder of the tranquility that nature can offer. It's a way to bring a little piece of the outside world into your home, creating an environment that encourages relaxation and inspiration.

Secure and Versatile Shopping Experience

Ordering your piece of tranquility is seamless with options like ShopPay and various other payment methods, ensuring a secure checkout process. Additionally, the site badges reflect our commitment to providing a trustworthy and customer-friendly shopping experience.


Transforming your space with "Artistic Escape" offers more than just aesthetic enhancement—it's about creating a healthier, more soothing environment where you can escape the pressures of daily life. Whether you're an art enthusiast or someone seeking a dash of serenity in your living space, "Artistic Escape" promises to be a captivating addition, inviting nature’s intrinsic tranquility and beauty into your home.

Get yours exquisite collection and more, and take the first step towards turning your home into an artistic haven.

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